First there was the Angels’ Share … then came the Beinn Dubh Hell’s Angels’ Share product launch at Thunder In The Glen
Our work for Speyside Distillery – one of Scotland’s most picturesque distilleries nestled in the heart of the Cairngorms – has encompassed fallen angels, mad, bad and dangerous to know romantic poets ….and football heroes.
We launched the new Beinn Dubh brand to coincide with Harley Davidson Thunder In The Glen event. The image of the angel’s share is a popular one in whisky promotion but being a rare, black whisky, Beinn Dubh needed a dark angel – and so the Hell’s Angel Share was created… An immediate hit with the drinks trade press and the client’s key export market in Taiwan.
Visitors to Speyside Distillery during the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival were surprised to find their tour guide was none other than Michael Owen, Spey brand ambassador. We secured valuable brand exposure for Spey … and met one of the nicest men in sport ever.
We’re not sure we’d have been able to say the same for Lord Byron, known for his debts and scandalous lifestyle. But our Byron inspired press trip to launch specialist bottling ‘Spey Byron’s Choice’, which began in London and culminated at the Distillery by Kingussie in the Highlands, resulted in valuable coverage in Whisky Quarterly, Luxuria Lifestyle, Savile Row Style, Chelsea Monthly and The Herald.
“The latest addition to the range is another sumptuous whisky, classically packaged and opening to reveal a liquid that carries rather foppish hints of pink and purple in its hue.“
Kevin Ferrie, The Herald
"All SPEY malts are pretty special…But the most intriguing is the new offering Byron’s Choice. All SPEY whiskies look good – their distinctive tall bottles come from a French maker specialising in perfume containers – but Byron’s Choise has an extra touch of elegance because of its unusual colour. Held up to the light … it has a pinkish tone, something like a rose wine of the colour of a salmon after a week or two in the River Spey…One feels that Byron himself would have approved."
Savile Row Style
“When a small company competes on the global stage with some of the world’s biggest and richest brands, it has to be better and smarter. Enter Speyside Distillery, the boutique whisky producer that recently sold one of its single malts for £80,000 in Taiwan.”
Cathay Pacific Routes To Growth